Service Level ManagementSLM and SLA

Service Level ManagementSLM and SLA

Why Service Level Managment?

IT Service Level Management (SLM) is essential in any organization so that the level of IT Service needed to support the business can be determined, and monitoring can be initiated to identify whether the required service levels are being achieved and if not, why not.

Service Level Agreements (SLA), which are managed through the SLM process, provide specific targets against which the performance of the IT organization can be judged.

Goal for SLM

The goal for SLM is to maintain and improve IT Service quality, through a constant cycle of agreeing, monitoring and reporting upon IT Service achievements and instigation of actions to eradicate poor service – in line with business or cost justification. Through these methods, a better relationship between IT and its customers can be developed.

Scope for SLM

SLAs should be established for all IT services being provided. Underpinning Contracts and Operational Level Agreements (OLAs) should be in place with those suppliers (external and internal) upon who the delivery of service is dependent

The basic concept of SLM

Service Level Management is the name given to the processes of planning, coordinating, drafting, agreeing, monitoring, and reporting on SLAs, and the on-going review of service achievements to ensure that the required and cost-justifiable service quality is maintained and gradually improved. SLAs [rovide the basic for managing the relationship between the provider and the Customer.


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Kate Hamblin

Senior ITSM Consultant +44 0118 324 0620