IT Recruitment

IT Recruitment

At Pink Elephant, we pride ourselves in cherry-picking the best professionals to come and join our network of highly skilled and motivated IT Service Management experts – and we can pass them on to you.

We have more than 25 years’ experience in recognising and developing talent, so we can guarantee our people have expert knowledge and insight in planning, delivering, operating and controlling the IT Services of your organisation.

While Pink Elephant is not a recruitment agency, you can rely on Pink Elephant to match the right person to the right job. We do not simply search our database and then forward on CVs to you. We take a detailed brief of the role and agree a person specification with you. We then select potentially suitable candidates from our extensive network and contact these to confirm their interest in your vacancy. We arrange face-to-face interviews, as determined by your candidate shortlist, and assist as necessary in achieving a satisfactory conclusion to the recruitment process.

Benefits of Working with Pink Elephant:

  • Pink Elephant knows the Service Management industry inside out and back-to-front.
  • Pink Elephant will put the successful candidate through a Service Induction course, ensuring the candidate has the required knowledge and certifications.
  • Customer messaging can be added to the Service Induction partnership approach – guided by trust, transparency, respect and performance – to ensure we add maximum value over the long term by fully understanding your business.
  • A dedicated consultant will be there throughout the entire IT recruitment process so you always know what’s happening, with the level of communication you require.
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Luci Allen

Head of Operations +44 (0)7595 205888